
Ash Gangotra, an acclaimed menswear designer from Nottingham, England, has dedicated over thirty five years to designing and producing menswear. His innovative designs have been sold and adorned worldwide. His fervent passion for fashion design and attention to detail is evident in his previous roles, including being one of the original founding members and designer of Liam Gallagher’s Pretty Green clothing brand, the Design Director of Bosideng UK and a creative arm behind Holland Esquire.

Rooted in a family legacy of tailors and years of dedication to the craft, this Made to Measure tailoring brand honours their rich heritage and commemorates the founder’s late grandfather, the first generation tailor born in 1916.

The signature label’s purple and yellow hues are inspired by the Gangotra Flower, which naturally grows in only these two colours. Originating from the Gangotra region of the Himalayas in Northern India, it is also the cradle of the family’s ancestors and the source of their surname.

Just like the flower, every made to measure suit is as unique as the Gangotra name and the label that’s sewn in to it.

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Custom Tailoring

Maintaining a seasonal wardrobe guarantees comfort and style regardless of the weather. Each season, we introduce a fresh selection of fabrics, specifically chosen for their suitability. Whether you are looking for something Formal, Casual or Summer, we can create your ideal wardrobe.


Although Made to Measure Tailoring is the bedrock of Gangotra 1916, we appreciate that having a beautifully fitted custom outfit is not the be-all and end-all of looking stylish.  Unless you have the accompanying finishing touches to complement your ensemble itself, the overall image can be completely lost. We provide beautiful custom made accessories from Shoes, Ties, Belts and Pocket Squares.


Maintaining a seasonal wardrobe guarantees comfort and style regardless of the weather. Each season, we introduce a fresh selection of fabrics, specifically chosen for their suitability. Whether you are looking for something Formal, Casual or Summer, we can create your ideal wardrobe.